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    I just saw a horrifying, touching, very good movie again; it's The Terminator. Now to talk of it as great film, to compare it with American Beauty might seem idiotic--it's an almost unrelentingly dark, violent, frightening action movie, after all--but strip away the relentless action, strip away the technophobia, strip away the blatant dislike of cops and modern youth, strip away the poignant love story and, at its core, it's about an immature, essentially mindless girl becoming a strong, determined woman. That's a theme more movies should have if we want girls to have strong role models.

    In the course of a few hours during which Sarah Connor realises that she is running for her life from a soul-less machine in human flesh that is implacably and violently determined to kill her, she transforms from a girl who can't balance her cheque book to a woman who can order a wounded, beaten man to "get on your feet, soldier." She is clear-headed, not panicky, focused in crisis and incredibly courageous. And it's not that she has lost her essential femaleness but that she's grown up.

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    Quem escreveu esse texto não sabe o uso correto da virgula.
    Dificil até de conseguir ler.

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    Acabei de assistir o Terminator Shitness. O começo é até legal quando tão em 84, depois que vão pra 2017 fica uma merda completa. A Emilia é muito fraquinha e esse Jai Courtney deve ser o ator de ação mais sem carisma desde o Sam Worthington. Pelo menos o Arnold salva um pouco.

    Vou ver se assisto esse novo amanhã.

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     Abedi Pelé
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    Flopador do futuro

    Deviam ter continuado com a ideia de fazer a trilogia do Genisys. Podem falar mal, mas apesar dos defeitos na história como pipocão até que serviu.


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    Genesys é ruim mas pelo menos tem umas idéias melhores do que fazer um remake feminista de Terminator 2

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    Nem tenho coragem de assistir...
    Pelos reviews que vi, não parece ter nada que valha a pena. Ainda todo o final parece absurdamente escroto.
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